If you’re doing compressions, it means that someone’s life is on the line and everything needs to go as smoothly and stably as possible. To do effective CPR, you need to minimize interruptions every step of the way so that the entire sequence can be performed properly.
That’s why, when you’re doing CPR and there’s someone with you, one of you should focus on doing the chest compressions while the other gets the AED ready.
If one or both of you is interrupted, it’s very important to resume the CPR and compressions as soon as possible.
Remember that when doing compressions, you should push as hard as is necessary for the chest to be compressed by 2 inches, and then you should allow complete chest recoil between each compression.
Checking the patient’s positioning and environment beforehand for any potential hazards that could cause problems later is also a basic step that will minimize the chance of interruptions occurring while doing CPR.
Remember, rhythm and consistency are very important during CPR. Any interruption to chest compressions – even for defibrillation or to check the pulse – reduces coronary blood flow and lowers survival rates.
That is why when 2 or more rescuers are present, one rescuer should continue chest compressions while the other prepares the AED.