Above all others, insurance agents and those working directly in the insurance industry can appreciate the value of learning CPR. At it’s core, CPR is essentially insurance against the death of others, most often family or friends. Why family or friends? Because that’s who we spend time around. At any given time, anybody, anywhere may have a heart attack or go into cardiac arrest. It could be somebody you don’t know, but we sure spend a lot of time around people we do know.

Learning CPR may be the most valuable insurance you ever buy.
Learning CPR is insurance in the form of a skill set that helps provide coverage in desperate moments. The knowledge that you know how to help, and can do something provides not only a better chance of the victim surviving, but it increases your own confidence in being able to help. Being in the position to help may not only save that persons life, but it will also save your conscience should they pass. Simply knowing you did everything you could do, will ease your mind far more than knowing you could have done something to be prepared, but didn’t want to spend the $45 it costs to take a class.
How many clients decline additional protection, or more comprehensive insurance plans only to call you back months later asking about that coverage? How many times have you had to remind them that they aren’t covered because they declined their opportunity to buy? Was it because of money? Usually it is. How much would they be willing to spend to go back in time and buy it now?
Don’t wait until after the fact to learn. Take a CPR class in a group. Encourage your office to learn – we can bring the class to you. Or make it a family and neighbors event. Host a CPR party at your home. We’ll bring the class, you bring the family, and everybody can learn together in the comfort of your home.
For pricing and options, call Josh at 925-335-6076 now.